This includes RA 11648 signed into effect on April 13, 2022. The RA 8353 or the Anti-Rape Law of 1997 is modified and strengthened its framework against sexual violence as well as its protection towards the victims. One change in its definition is to expand penile-vaginal penetration to include others that would be considered digital penetration or any form of object penetration, among others. In adoption, the law also takes gender-neutral language, a man or a woman to be identified as a rape victim. RA 11648 raises the minimum age of sexual consent from 12 to 16 years old so that any sexual act with anybody who is below 16 years old, even if he or she gives his or her consent, is automatically regarded as rape. This includes the elimination of exemption for marital rape where sexual violence within marriage is treated the same as any other rape. RA 11648 is also more victim-centered where provisions in the law would help lessen trauma in the legal processes, especially among minors and vulnerable persons. The investigation and trial process are to be supportive to survivors under the law. RA 11648 Overall strengthens legal protections, ensures accountability for perpetrators, and now tries to create a more supportive and equitable system for survivors of sexual violence.
The Republic Act 11313, referred to as Safe Spaces Act, was enacted in Philippines which prohibits and imposes penalties on gender based assault specifically street, online, public space and even workplace interactions. This law was signed in 2019 and its main aim was to discourage harassment which involved degrading women and people of the LGBTQ+ community that promoted forms like catcalling, wolf whistling and even stalking, In addition, the Act also provides protection against other forms of violence such as unwelcome physical contact, encouraging words, and obscenity, including fines and confinement. The law encourages women to use open spaces while also encouraging businesses and organizations to use the provision of designated spaces for women and children to promote an inclusive environment in workplaces, on the internet, and in public spaces.
this post encouraged me to support this law, keep up the good work bro!
ReplyDeleteHi! I like how you briefly explained the mentioned laws. As for having improvement in making your blog try starting with your title, make it more interesting, and please cite your references properly but anyway the context is good!
ReplyDeleteThis blog has opened my eyes, made me see new things I couldn't see before. This is such a very constructed and well developed blog, I see no flaws or whatsoever:)
ReplyDeleteimprove your citation, use apa citation format